Making The Most Of Potential – Livin What You Know: Sacrifice – Part 1

God has given you so much potential. He has created you with purpose and has a great future planned for you. The question that we have to answer is how are we going to use this potential He has given me?

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.” Rom 12:1 (NLT)

Every day we trade our lives for something. We trade our time, our talents and our resources for something. Some things are good, some are not so good. As we live out Romans 12 we will trade our daily lives for the greater things. God has so much more for us in this life than we tend to live in. We live way below the privilege God has for us, often bringing the Word of God down to our level instead of elevating our lives to the level of God’s Word.

Becoming a Living Sacrifice as Paul tells us to do in Romans 12 has the power of sowing and reaping. Let’s sow our lives for the Kingdom of God, every area of our lives, our time, talent and treasure. As we become living sacrifices we will reap the abundant life that Jesus said He came to give us: John 10:10.

Spend some time today in prayer and ask the Lord to show you areas of your life that you need to release to His Lordship as a living sacrifice.