How To Make A Difference With Your Life

ValueDoes your life matter? It’s a rhetorical question because the answer is absolutely, unequivocally, YES! I know because you are created by God with a purpose and plan. The question that you must answer is this: “is your life making a difference?”  In other words are you living the purpose and plan that God created you to live? He promises that it is a good, pleasing and perfect plan: “…let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

I’ve discovered over the years as a leader that most people focus more on making a point with their life rather than making a difference. Only to discover that the point they often give their life to make is pointless. Making a difference in those you know and love, those you work with, your neighbors and others you may have influence with is not done by making a point, it’s done by changing a life – your life. Living as the masterpiece God created you to be, living His purpose and plan, will not only change your life but it will change the lives of others who cross your path each day. As you do, you will make a difference. To live a life that makes a difference (masterpiece living) you need to have the boldness to change. You may not like the idea of change; however you cannot grow toward living as the masterpiece you were created to be without change. Change for the sake of change will not advance your cause any; intentional change will make all the difference.

Consider Your Values

The process of change begins with a look at your values—and how those values show up on the canvas of your life. When your values don’t line up with God’s values as defined in Scripture, you end up working against Him as He paints on the canvas of your life. He’s working on a masterpiece, but the values you’re placing on your Life Palette may be limiting the look of your canvas to a cheap, drugstore painting, a “Velvet Elvis,” when it should be not only better than a “Velvet Elvis,” but a masterpiece.

In his book Fill Your Oil Painting with Light & Color, artist Kevin McPherson says, “Many students say they have trouble finishing a piece, but most often the problem lies at the start of their painting process. Most people can’t finish because their foundation has not been properly laid.” The foundation of your life is your values, and they must be established as a core of who you are and all you do. If you don’t feel you’ve “properly laid” your values, the good news is God will give you the chance to start fresh and new.

Setting The Foundation For Your Values

The Bible gives us direction on a variety of key values, but there is one value that we must get right. It’s not one I’ve made up or discovered on my own; it comes from Jesus Christ Himself, and here it is: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33 NLT) Since God is the one who has created you as His masterpiece, it’s logical that you make Him and His kingdom your top priority and the foundational core value in your life. This is the starting point for living a life that not only matters but truly makes a difference!

Next Steps:

What is your primary concern in life? What is it you are pursuing above everything else? When you answer these questions, you will discover your core foundational value. The masterpiece of your life will never rise above your core foundational value, so it’s imperative your top priority be something that will last and be something of worth. When you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern, all of your other values will align with it, and you can be assured that your life will be the masterpiece God intended it to be.

(Adapted from my book Life Palette – discover and live your potential as the masterpiece God created you to be.)life aplete