Thanks to staff member Mike Gray (Next Steps Pastor) A.K.A. Mike Simmons. The illustration is a picture of so many of our lives as we race at a neck break pace trying to do everything that comes our way. Let me give a few tips to help live out the talk from the weekend.
1. God has given each of us enough time to do everything He created us to do. If we find ourselves always short of time to get things done we need to look at time management, priorities or leadership issues.
2. A day of rest does not mean that you are simply laying around as a bum. Although some folks may find that as their way of resting – go for it. For others it may mean doing something different than their normal work week. Great rule of thumb: If you work with your mind, try doing something with your hands on your day of rest. If you work with your hands, try doing something with your mind on your day of rest.
For me, that’s why I paint. I find it to be a very restful, refreshing, refueling thing on my day of rest away from the office. Here’s one of my latest from some reference photos I took on a trip last summer in Northwest Wyoming.
My mother always tells me: “Get your rest”. Who would have thought that mom was telling me to do a spiritual activity, in fact God calls it “Holy”. My encouragement to you today is: “Be spiritual and get your rest!”