One of the hardest hikes I ever did was rim to rim in the Grand Canyon in a day. I like hiking, being out doors and enjoying nature and keeping active. The key to great hiking is not just a great destination, but the right trail to get to that destination. There have been times when hiking that I took the wrong trail and did not end up at my intended destination. That is the thing with intentions, intentions do not lead to desired destinations. Choosing the right trails leads to desire destinations.
Not only is that true in hiking, but in every area of our lives. We mistakenly think and hope that our finances will just work out, our relationships will somehow get better or that we will get to the end of life and have a great spiritual experience. At least we intend for that to happen and get incredibly discouraged, blame God or whine “why me” when we end up with a less than desirable outcome – an unintended destination.
The reality is that there are trails we take on every journey of our life. Those trails will lead to a destination every time. Yet most of the time we keep taking a trail hoping for a different destination. We are looking for a quick fix in our marriage, a solution to a problem, when the truth is we are lost and need to get our marriage on a completely different trail. Maybe it’s in the area of finances, they are spiraling out of control. We look for the solutions, a quick fix, when we need to get on a different trail with a different destination. We may have great intentions in every area of our lives, but unless we are on the right trail our intentions are worthless.
What areas of your life do you find yourself wishing for a different outcome, you are not getting to your desired destination? Don’t look for a solution to a problem. Instead look back at the trail that has led you to this point. It is time to get on a different trail. The good news is others have gone before us and the trail leads to the same destination every time.
This weekend at Alive Church I am going to be talking about being on the right trail for your family to get to the desired destination God has for you. Hope to see you then. Until then – happy trails!!!