This weekend was a picture of living out one of our Core Values: Ministry Apprenticeship. I loved being able to partner with our Campus Pastor, all three. Jason at Twin Peaks, Phil at Church Online and Mike at Oro Valley, for the weekend teaching. We are blessed to have such a great group of leaders at Alive Church and all have great skills in teaching and communicating God’s Word.
Another great picture of Ministry Apprenticeship was having the Youth worship band from Oro Valley lead worship for the weekend at the Oro Valley campus. Great job gang! Chad Lacy is not only a great musician but really lead me personally in a Spirit of worship and God’s presence.
There were 2 people from the weekend services that made faith commitments to follow Jesus! Yippee!!! Not only is that just the best of news but to see all of you who made the decision and commitments to take some time and fast this coming week to hunger for God spiritually. I will be praying for you and hope you will do the same for me as we fast together for breakthrough, clarity and courage.
Looking forward to being a part of the Boo Bash tomorrow evening (Monday) at the Twin Peaks campus – this will be a great event to reach out and get connected with our community there!