Healing – Livin What You Know: Day 3

“He renews my strength.” Psalm 23:3 (NLT)

While sitting in my office listening to the insurmountable problems of a couple who desperately needed help, I remember thinking, “I don’t want to be here!”. In an instance the Holy Spirit took me back to one of the most vivid memories I have of Grandpa and his sheep.
We were in the barn together and he was checking the sheep for cuts that might need doctoring. One of the sheep had run through the barbed wire fence and was cut very bad. The wool was still covering the cut. It was hanging like a flap over the wound. I watched as Grandpa pulled the wool back…the cut was down to the meat. There were what seemed like thousands of maggots. I’m sure there were only a few hundred. Then Grandpa did something that was a shocker to me…he reached in with his bare hand and scooped out the maggots and threw them to the ground. Then he applied a healing ointment to the wound.
As I continued to sit and listen to the problems of this couple, I was reminded of the maggots in my life and how a loving shepherd reached down from heaven and applied the healing ointment. And now as a shepherd to people I must follow his lead.
Today God wants to renew and restore all of your hurts…you need only to give them to him. (Oh yes – and by the way – Grandpa had to revisit that same wound many times before it was completely restored!)Spend a few moments allowing God’s spirit to show you the places in your heart that need healing. Give them all to Him and ask Him to bring healing. As they come to mind throughout the day, continue to give them to Him.