God Loves Me Livin What You Know – Part 6

“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:5 (NLT)
Grandpa made sure that the pasture was safe for the sheep to graze on a regular basis.
Sometimes there would be poisonous plants that needed to be removed. Certain bushes and trees had sharp thorns that would cut the sheep as they grazed and needed to be trimmed back. Pieces of barbed wire layed loose that the sheep may get tangled in had to be hauled off. And the never ending task of mending fences so that the sheep would stay in the confiness of the safe pasture.
The very field that the enemy designs for our detriment, God turns into a feast. Paul says, “God cause everything to work together for the good of those who love God…” (Romans 8:28 (NLT) Things that the enemy intends for harm become a banquet!
The amazing part of being in God’s safe pasture is His overflowing blessings. In the Middle East, there is a custom when someone visits a neighbor in their home. The first thing they do is offer a glass of water or wine. When the cup is empty, if it is refilled, then the guest knows they are welcome to stay longer. When the host no longer fills the cup it is time to leave. If the host wants to show the person they are welcome to stay as long as they wish then they would fill the cup to overflowing. It is symbolic of how special the guest is to the person.
God says, “I fill your cup to overflowing.” He’s saying, “You are special to me. You matter to me. I love you.” Jesus invites you to his banquet…a banquet he prepares with you in mind to show you how much he loves you. No matter what the enemy may do to try and spoil God’s party…he can’t!