All Things For My Good?

my good“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”    (Romans 8:28 NLT) Really? All things for my good? That’s what it says. Take careful notice though, Paul did not say that God causes all things, but if we will allow Him to, He will use all things for our good. That is the second step in how you forgive yourself: Trust God to use all things for my good.

In the last several Life Palette blogs we’ve been looking at the power and importance of forgiveness. In particular forgiving yourself. Be sure and read the archives of “Why I Should Forgive Myself“, “You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have“, and “How To Forgive Myself“.

Trust Him To Use All Things For My Good

The first step, of the process of forgiving yourself, is to trust Jesus to heal your wounds. The second step is to trust Him to use all things for my good. Take a moment and read the verse at the beginning of this blog again. This verse is talking about you as His masterpiece. He will use everything for your good if you will let Him. Walk through the healing: Lord I know you have forgiven me, but I haven’t forgiven me. I need your healing  and I’m trusting you to use this for my good.”

The Conversation Continues

In yesterday’s blog, we started on a journey with Peter and Jesus in John 21. Peter denied Jesus three times and now Jesus is about to confirm him three times. So, for the second time Jesus ask Peter the same question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.” “Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.” (John 21:16 NLT)

Peter probably just wanted to drop the subject: “Can’t we just quit talking about it?” You’ve probably had those conversations yourself. You wish you didn’t have to talk about it and you definitely don’t want to talk about it the second time. Why does Jesus press in? Not for His sake. This is for Peter and He wants to do this with you as well because, as we said in yesterday’s blog, Jesus loves you too much to leave you at just forgiven, He wants to take you to heal and to the place where you look at yourself the way He sees you – forgiven!

Peter had denied Jesus and Jesus wanted to use that moment of denial for Peter’s good. Peter was about to go from being a fisherman to a shepherd. Not just any shepherd, Jesus is going to trust Peter with the most valuable assets He has, His sheep, the church. Imagine that, the one who denied Jesus is the one who Jesus trusts with His church. Peter cannot see himself, as he was, a denier. Jesus saw Peter as the masterpiece He had created Him to be and now through healing and trust He invites Peter to see himself the way Jesus sees Him – a masterpiece.

The Future He Has For You

That is what He wants to do with you this very moment. He wants you to see you the way He sees you: forgiven. He wants you to see the future He has for you. This is part of the process that He wants to gently and wonderful lead you to and through, forgiving yourself. That is one of the things He wants to bless you with as you trust Him with all things, that even though He didn’t cause all things, He wants to use all things for your good.

One More Thing

Trust Jesus to heal the wound. Trust Him to use all things for my good. One more thing in this process of forgiving yourself that I will share with you in the next Life Palette blog. It has the potential to change your future beyond anything you can ask or imagine.