Excuses And How To Successfully Deal With Them

excusesWe live in a world where making up excuses, not go out and do something with our selves, is very common. It starts out in our childhood. I’ve seen my daughter walk up to her mother and tell Kathy, “hey one of my friends have invited me over, but I don’t want to go. Can i say that you won’t let me?” It becomes not only a problem with creating excuses, but it snowballs into lies. Our world has made this “OK” to make up an excuse to not do something, but we shouldn’t let that get in our way. It’s easy to make excuses for anything you do. As artist we tend to all use the same excuses at one time or another. I love this picture from Jim Wilcox book; The Artist’s Book of Excuses (And How Not to Need Them). But it’s not just artist who make excuses.  We all do, often to compensate for poor performance, yet we must realize it reflects on our character.

So, if you are constantly dragging your feet, it’s time to quit making excuses! Here are a few of the most common excuses I hear from people and the truth about them and how to quit living in them.

Excuse 1: I don’t have enough time

Secret For Success: You have all the time you need. It’s never a time issue, it’s a priority issue. Each of us has the same amount of time as the person who accomplishes all the things we dream of. More important, God has given us all the time we need to accomplish the things He wants us to accomplish.

Excuse 2: I’m not as lucky as someone else

Secret For Success: I just read a sign today that says it all; “if the grass appears greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that the person who owns that grass is watering it.”  Most of the time, those who are successful in the areas you want to be successful in are the ones who are disciplined. Find out the habits of those who are ahead of you and begin to develop similar habits.

Excuse 3: I don’t have the resources necessary to do what I want

Secret For Success: It may be true that you don’t have the resources necessary right now to live your dream or vision, but the reality is that resources flow to those who are moving toward a vision. Start moving in the direction of your dreams and the resources will come!

Excuse 4: I want a guarantee before I go forward

Secret For Success: Everything in life that has potential rewards also involves risk. There are many wise things you can do before going forward to minimize risk, but any dream of vision worth pursuing requires a certain amount of risk. Measure the risk and the potential rewards. When the rewards outweigh the risk – go for it!

Excuse 5: I don’t like rejection

Secret For Success: Get over it (My gift of mercy is coming through). Rejection is a part of life. It’s not a matter of whether or not you’ll be rejected, what’s important is how you handle and view rejection. Rejection can be an invaluable tool for growth, it allows you the opportunity to change and grow – improve. Every rejection will get you closer to success.

Next Steps: 

Decide right now that you are not going to make excuses in life! Excuses will hold you back from being all that God created you to be. When you find yourself making an excuse, be honest with yourself and press in. Prayerfully ask God to give you courage to quit making excuses and begin to live as the masterpiece He created you to be. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”   (2 Tim 1:7 NLT)