Ending Soon: “The Nurse Tree”
This is a 30×30″ oil on canvas painting. It is for sale on Ebay and will be ending today! Take a look at it.
Some Background Information
This painting is called “The Nurse Tree” because when a saguaro cactus begins to grow it needs a larger plant to help protect it from the dangers in the environment. In this painting, the saguaro has been nursed by the tree, but it is now strong and tall.
I love the desert sunsets, here in Arizona. They bring such vibrant color and life into the desert scenery. It is as if God has painted every brush stroke of the sky for us to gaze at what he has made for us. I love being able to stand out in God’s creation and paint what he has given to us! That is what I have captured in this painting, one of God’s beautiful masterpieces.
Life Palette – Free Kindle Download
Speaking of one of God’s masterpieces, did you know that you are a masterpiece? Make sure you get your free Kindle download of Life Palette, today, to find out more. Allow this book to show you what a beautiful masterpiece you are and start of your 2016 right! There’s only 2 days left to get this great deal.