50 Shades Of Grace

Shades of graceThere are many shades of Grace.  Grace that restores, this is the way that our guilt is removed and we get to have a fresh start. Sustaining Grace is the way God gives us the power to keep on going when you feel like you want to give up. Healing grace is how God works miracles in our lives when we need them. We break free of legalism by His liberating grace. And then there is His assuring grace that helps us to deal with our doubts. One shade of Grace is how we offer Gods grace to others. And there is Growing Grace to help us live in our full potential as the masterpiece God created us to be. All of this grace begins with God’s saving Grace.

Grace is multi-faceted; there are many more shades of Grace than I could possible mention in a blog. The truth is there’s no one definition of grace. Here are a few definitions of grace: “God’s love in action. ”  “God giving me what I need, not what I deserve.” And , “Grace is the face God wears when He looks at my failures.”

You probably have your own favorite definition of grace. Check out Jesus’ words to Paul in the New Testament: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT) Regardless of your inadequacies or failures, you have been given all the grace and strength you need to live in the fullness of your potential as God’s masterpiece. As you face temptations, trials and difficulties that threaten to get you off course, know that there is grace.

The Struggle

The struggle for most of us is that we have heard and bought into the idea: “if it’s to be its up to me” or “If you want to make something of your life it’s up to you.” And while we do have a part, something I explore in depth in my book Life Palette, we need to recognize that God is a gracious God who loves us and wants to bless us, it’s His nature. He blesses all of us even though we don’t do anything to deserve it. I have to say I’m glad for that. How about you?

Grace is the basis for living life as the masterpiece God created you to be. You have to begin to understand grace to unleash all of the potential that is lurking inside of you begging to get out. The more you understand grace the more you will live the purpose and plan God has created you for. In fact grace is the system that God uses to draw us to Him, and in Him we discover our potential.

Looking At Grace

This week in Life Palette the blog I’m going to explore the different aspects of Grace that I have mentioned in today’s post. Nope, I won’t actually be exploring 50 shades of grace, but no doubt it could be done. Don’t miss one post, take a moment. You can receive the Life Palette blog in your email by subscribing today.


What is your favorite definition of grace? Leave your comments or questions below.