For most of the U.S. summer begins on June 20th, however for those of us who live in the Sonoran desert it began a couple of weeks ago. The norm for us right now is the century mark, in other words it’s hot!!! However, in the midst of all this heat there are some really “COOL” things happening around here at Alive Church for the summer.  In just a couple of weeks, the weekend of June 12th & 13th, At The Movies 2012 begins!!! Yeah!
At The Movies is a series where we look at several of Hollywood’s blockbuster movies and talk about the spiritual insight we can glean from them. This summer, this “COOL” series begins with a blockbuster that is full of action on Father’s Day weekend. On the first weekend, June 12th & 13th, anyone who is a first times guest at Alive Church, and anyone who brings a first time guest to Alive Church, will receive free movie tickets for one of our local theaters. It is a great weekend to invite friends, family, loved ones who do not attend church, then you can go and enjoy a movie together as well – on us!  How “COOL” is that!!!???
A quick update of all the “COOL” things God is doing here at Alive Church.
1.       Two weekends ago we baptized 12 people during our weekend services – that never, ever gets old. I applaud those of you who have taken this next step in your journey as a follower of Jesus and want you to know I am praying for you.
2.       Last weekend, as we continued our weekend talk series called “Planted” (Planted to Grow Our Faith) there were 35 people who made decisions to “Trust God with their money through generosity” and 60 people who made the decision to “Trust God with their time through prayer” and a whole host of folks who are memorizing scripture together that goes along with the series. I have been praying with and for all of you as you live out these Next Steps in your journey as a follower of Jesus.
3.       This coming weekend I will continue in the weekend talk series Planted as we look at another way that God grows our faith BIG!
I just finished filming my part of the At The Movie 2012 series today. A big thanks to all the crew for all the extra time and effort in production that it takes to make this series happen – you guys are rock stars. I know that God is going to use this summer blockbuster series to change lives.  The pic in this blog is from today’s shoot, any ideas about the movie? Hint: This one is the July 4th weekend talk – check out that awesome crew filming in the 100% sun so that we can all have a “COOL” 4th of July!