Living in YOUR Gifting!

So often, we as Christians, have a certain expectation of ourselves to look, act, and do certain “tasks”. Or we have set perspectives of what type of person is able to do what type of “job” when it comes to sharing Christ or serving in his church or the community. Our conversation this weekend broke […]


Share my faith….make disciples….serve! SUCH great habits…but how do we implement them into our actual lives! Often these attributes make me think, that’s a tall order God, not sure I’m up for the task. I was a teen when I first became a Christian and one of the way’s we evangelized was to get a […]

Surrender vs. Striving!

Surrender, in the mind of most people, has a negative connotation. You surrender to the opposition, you lay your weapons down in defeat, you give up something that you really don’t want to! Surrender isn’t something most people seek out or strive to achieve…it’s much more common to strive for victory, conquering our opponent or […]